
& # 8217;中国

Bio-based chemicals made from renewable materials are helping to reduce the chemical industry’s dependence on fossil fuels. But without vast improvements, some bio-based processes won’t be any kinder to the environment than their petrochemical equivalents - as a new study on bio-based glutamic acid and its potential industrial products demonstrates.








Bio-based N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP), a solvent used in paints and plastics, performed better overall than its petrochemical equivalent, as did N乙烯吡咯烷酮(一步法)。但丙烯腈、丙烯酸纤维的成分,和琥珀腈,没有# 8217;t测量。& # 8217;仍有改进的空间的所有流程,& # 8217;说Tijs Lammens,该研究的作者之一。& # 8217;其中之一,丙烯腈,我不# 8217;t期望由生物竞争路线我们发现,完全诚实的强生的# 8217;

生物丙烯腈的生产过程环境严厉在每个类别下,主要是由于一个特别的放热反应谷氨酸中间与次氯酸钠,要求电力冷却。另一方面,中提取的石化产品,一步法输给了其生物替代的11个类别和NMP 7。Although there were some large uncertainties about how much heat and electricity would be needed to isolate glutamic acid from vinasse, the researchers say that for bio-based NMP and NVP, the environmental impacts are ’competitive’.


Last year, the EU launched Biochem, a €4.5 million (?3.9 million) scheme that provides support for chemical companies switching to renewable feedstocks. Adrian Higson, a bio-based chemicals expert at the UK’s National Centre for Biorenewable Energy, Fuels and Materials, says the Dutch researchers make a good case for glutamic acid as a target for companies developing new bio-based approaches. But politically, he thinks it is unwise to carry out environmental impact assessments at such an early stage in development.

& # 8217;(决策者)将LCA,说他们赢得了# 8217;t支持技术,因为这# 8217;s不如现任技术& # 8217;Higson说。& # 8217;但是它永远不会好,除非你给的技术演变和发展的机会。你们# 8217;还要看看LCA可以在未来,然后决定是否支持强生的# 8217;

Lammens,然而,认为早期lca可以帮助识别领域的生物过程哪里有改进的余地。他说,评估应在发展。& # 8217;一次过程是更好的你将不得不重新建立完整的LCA,但你应该# 8217;t等待您的流程操作之前首先分析,因为结果可能会更有助于塑造你的过程,& # 8217;他说。


生物产品的市场潜力的预测大相径庭,有人认为全球市场价值2500亿美元(?162 billion) by 2020, although Higson thinks estimating market share is a ’finger in the air exercise’. The US Department of Agriculture estimates that 20,000 bio-based products are currently being manufactured in North America and has certified dozens with a ’bio-preferred’ label, denoting a high percentage of bio-based ingredients. Bio-based processes have already been adopted by the likes of Dow and BASF, who are making polyols - used in foams - from soybean and castor oil.

同时,生物科技公司Genencor开发了一个异戊二烯替代,",它是由可再生原材料玉米等。公司与固特异合作把产品融入其轮胎。Christopher Dettore, Genencor’s LCA specialist in San Francisco, California, says the industry is ’acutely aware’ of efforts in LCAs and relies on these types of studies to guide process development, as well as to differentiate products already in the marketplace. ’Bio-based products...are not necessarily more sustainable than alternatives,’ says Dettore. ’This is something that needs to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. LCA is the way to do this.’
